3 Ways to Keep your Horse Entertained on a Rainy Day

We’ve all been there. It’s raining, your horse isn’t allowed any more time outside than they already have to take care of the necessities, and you’re bored out of your mind. So, how can you entertain yourself without giving in to temptation and taking up smoking? Here are some ways to keep your horse entertained on a rainy day.

1.) Watch movies with your horse! Get an old western or Dracula to flick ready on Netflix or Amazon Instant Video (If you don’t have Amazon Prime make sure to sign up for Amazon Mom for free shipping!) Then grab some snacks for you and your horse – my personal favorite is a cereal which seems most appropriate for horses – and cuddle back in the barn to enjoy some quality time with your horse. Just don’t get too into the movie because then your horse will try to eat the cereal while you’re busy glaring daggers at them for trying it. It doesn’t work out very well either way, so take turns enjoying the snacks.

2.) Make a Scavenger Hunt! For you or your horse. You could even do one together! There are tons of easy scavenger hunts online that require few materials and little time to complete – making them perfect for rainy days! If you’re making one for your horse, try not to make it TOO hard, or they’ll get frustrated when they can’t find all of the items in time.

3.) Play Games! There are tons of games you can play with your horse out there – some better than others. Here’s a list of my favorites:

  • Dressage whip tic tac toe: Make two parallel lines on the ground about five feet apart, then put Xs and Os or other fun items to use as pieces. You could even draw a little goal line at the end to make it into a soccer game- just be careful not to hurt your poor horse’s leg! Alternatively, you could use a ball.
  • Pony bowling: This is basically horseshoes except for smaller and more malle, so they don’t hurt your horse. You can use pebbles or rocks as “pins” and a stick for the pitching area as long as you go easy on your horse’s feet!
  • Scootering: This is also called ponying two horses together, where one pulls, and the other walks alongside. Make it more fun by decorating your horses to look like ponies-bonnets.