A Day in the Life of a Farmer

Modern farming is quite different than what most of us imagine. If you stop to think about a day in the life of a farmer, your first impression is most likely a 5 am wake-up to milk a few cows into a bucket before feeding chickens and surveying crops. Now, don’t get me wrong. Many farms still operate this way for individual consumption, but most farms are part of the agricultural industry, and each one focuses on a specific niche.

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3 Ways to Keep your Horse Entertained on a Rainy Day

We’ve all been there. It’s raining, your horse isn’t allowed any more time outside than they already have to take care of the necessities, and you’re bored out of your mind. So, how can you entertain yourself without giving in to temptation and taking up smoking? Here are some ways to keep your horse entertained on a rainy day.

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